Central Design Tools
Lead Level Designer - Central Design Tools
August 2023 - January 2024
Lead a team of Level Designers in a Lost Boys Interactive initiative to create a suite of level design tools for rapid prototyping for all new projects.
Research Unreal Engine 5’s out of the box level design tools and determine what shortfalls we will need help with from engineering.
Lead a team of Level Designers in a mock project to block out a multi-spoke level, documenting needs as they arise.
Coordinated Level Design needs with Technical Design Lead for tools, interactive objects, and character setups.
Look at what foundational mechanics are needed for the types of games the studio makes.
Create standardized and flexible block out tool kits for new projects to ramp up quickly.
Pod Lead - Unannounced 3rd Person Adventure as part of a First Person Shooter - Console/PC - March 2023 - Current
March 2023 - August 2023
Lead a team of Level Designers, Technical Designers, Engineers, and Artists to create a world that the player will transition to and from the first person shooter world into a 3rd person game.
Lead the Level Design team with weekly sprint tasks, working in close conjunction with producers on scheduling.
Develop Level Design best practices and documentation.
Documentation of the zone details, narrative beats, points of interests, and all zone dependencies.
Reviewed Level Design work on a weekly basis with playtests focusing on specific or recently worked on features.
Constant communication with other disciplines on intersecting areas of the narrative, levels, and progression.
Mentoring and reviewing not only the Level Designer’s work but with Technical Design, Art, and Engineering as they pertain to the 3rd person world.
Lead Level Designer – Unannounced 3rd Person Shooter, Console/PC
May 2022 - March 2023
Lead level design team in block out, landscape sculpting, gameplay scripting, & gameplay flow.
In charge of refining the level design pipeline and process.
Lead the Level Design team with weekly sprint tasks, working in close conjunction with producers on scheduling.
Developed level design best practices and documentation.
Worked closely with Art, Engineering, and Production to facilitate smooth transfer of content authorship between disciplines.
Mentoring and reviewing the level designers’ work and career progress.