Deer Hunter World
Video Examples of Gameplay Levels
A lone target animal objective with a special organ shot requirement. This is an early hunt and the initial aiming is taken care of by ‘look at’ script that was place near where the animal will stop.
This is a 100% kill objective, meaning every target animal in the level must be killed. To make this hunt a little tougher, I moved the group of animals towards their escape point, shortening the window of opportunity.
One of the first long distance bow hunts, the targets were a mix of stationary and moving Kudus. There is some travel time for the arrow so the player needs to lead the animal a bit.
Sometimes, the best strategy is to just wound a predator animal and let it attack the player character. In this level, the headshot is very difficult to make unless its running right at the player.
The first stampede hunt with the bolt action rifle is shown here. Before this hunt, we had not done a stampede of animals with this weapon. Upping the kill requirement makes this among the longest lasting bolt action rifle hunt as well.
Similar to the long distance Kudu hunt, this is made more difficult with smaller animals. A gimme close in Impala is provided. The rest are at distance. Options are many for increasing difficulty - requiring headshots, all animals moving, etc.
This is one of the first moving organ shot kill requirements in the game. The Moose was placed at about mid-range for the rifle which makes the lung target larger. But its moving which is what makes this hunt deceptively difficult.
A long distance stampede hunt with a semi-auto rifle. The number of kills required reflects the shots that can be fired in rapid succession from the semi-auto weapon.
Standard herd hunt but with a twist. This is the first hunt where Moose will actually attack the player on alert. In this case, the two furthest away and furthest apart will attack the player.
A difficult shot to make, the heart shot at distance is even more difficult and this hunt takes a bit of practice to nail. If missed, the bears will charge and attack the player.
In this level, I wanted the player to feel a little uneasy and anxious as the hunt starts with no animals in sight! Soon enough, a standard stampede of Impalas enter the scene from the right.
This is a single animal Trophy hunt. The things that increase the difficulty of this hunt is the fact that there are other animals in the scene that distract and obstruct the main target of the Elk. Also, it is running at the extreme range of the shotgun with rock obstructions.
This hunt is extremely difficult but rewards patience. If the player attempts to hit the Jaguar’s lungs from the initial entry area while its on the move, they will often fail. But if the player waits, theJaguar will stop eventually to allow for an easier shot.